3 Warning Signs Of A Hydraulic Pump Failure

The hydraulic system is one of the most important systems within an industrial machine. Pressurized fluid flows through the hydraulic system to provide various machine components with power. A hydraulic pump regulates the flow of this liquid to control the amount of power being distributed throughout the machine.

When your hydraulic pump fails, your machine could become dangerous to operate. It's important to be vigilant when watching for indications of a hydraulic pump failure.

1. Temperature fluctuations within the hydraulic case.

One of the easiest ways to assess the condition of your hydraulic pump is to monitor the temperature within the hydraulic case. A pump that is operating as it should will not produce excess heat while powering your industrial machine.

When the pump begins to fail, friction and vibrations within the pump itself increase. This causes a rise in the temperature within the hydraulic case. If you notice temperature fluctuations while using your industrial machines, it's time to replace or repair your hydraulic pump.

2. Restricted drain flow through the hydraulic case.

Another warning sign that you can be watching for when trying to maintain your hydraulic pump is the flow of drainage materials through the hydraulic case. Moisture and excess hydraulic fluid can build up within the case when the hydraulic pump begins to fail. This accumulation of fluid can cause permanent damage to the hydraulic case.

Corrosive chemicals can eat away at the rubber seals inside the case. This will lead to hydraulic fluid leaks that might compromise the safety and performance of your industrial machines. You should replace your hydraulic pump if you notice that the drain flow through the hydraulic case becomes restricted at any time.

3. Excessive current draw on the drive motor.

The drive motor within your industrial machine is responsible for helping supply electrical current to the hydraulic pump. A faulty pump will place added stress on the drive motor, resulting in an excessive current draw on the motor itself.

Measuring the current draw on the drive motor regularly will allow you to identify when your hydraulic pump needs to be repaired or replaced to maintain the function of your industrial machines.

Caring for your hydraulic pump is important when it comes to the safety and performance of your industrial machines. Be sure that you are watching for some of the warning signs that indicate it's time for a new hydraulic pump rebuild to extend the life of your machines and maximize their efficiency in the future.
